Category Archives: My Body

Eye gunk: Why do we get sleep in the eyes?

Sleep, rheum, gound, gook, gunk, goop, stuff, sludge, gunge, goo, sleepydust, sleepysand, crusties, or eye boogers: Whatever you want to call them, we’ve all found ourselves waking up to having something in our eyes in the morning at some stage. … Continue reading

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Why do I have that pink corner of the eye? Plica semilunaris: The Third Eyelid

If you look at your eye, you’ll notice that in the corner nearest to your nose you have a little pink triangular structure. In medical speech this little triangle is made up of two parts: the little bump is the … Continue reading

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Prune Fingers! Why do I get Wrinkled Fingers?

You get out the bath, you look at your hands and you realize your fingertips are as wrinkled as a raisin! Why do we get pruney fingers after soaking in the bath? And why do some people get wrinkly fingers … Continue reading

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Mental Stimulation: Why do I need mental stimulation?

Mental stimulation basically translates to “giving your brain a good work out”! Why is this important? And how do we go about achieving good levels of mental stimulation?

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Why do I need melatonin? What does melatonin do?

In some countries melatonin is a drug that’s sold over the counter in phrarmacies to help with insomnia and jet-lag, but melatonin isn’t only something you can find in drugstore bottles. Long before scientists worked out how to produce melatonin … Continue reading

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Nail Beading: Why do I have nail beading according to nail diagnosis?

I’m a strong believer that every part of your body gives you clues about what’s going on inside, and the nails are no exception. The state of your nails could well-reflect the state of your health. Medical study has observed … Continue reading

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Why take supplements? Do I need supplements?

Around 17.7% of American adults have used nutritional supplements in the past year according to one recent survey. But do we really need to supplement our diets with multivitamins and minerals? And if so, why do we need supplements?

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Why do I keep getting colds?

Do you dread winter rolling round because you know it marks the beginning of you suffering from one cold after another? Does the sound of a sneeze or a cough make you want to run in the opposite direction because … Continue reading

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Cold hands and feet: Why do I get cold hands and feet?

You’re in bed under a warm, toasty duvet, and yet your feet feel like they’re inside a freezer. Perhaps you’re in bed with someone and as their toes touch your bare feet you jump because it feels like someone’s put … Continue reading

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Bad breath causes and cures: Why do I have smelly breath?

You wake up, pad down the hall to the bathroom, yawn, and as you do so, you notice the flowers wilt in the nearby vase. OK, so maybe your breath isn’t quite bad enough to fell a flower, but we’ve … Continue reading

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