Why do I collect angels?

I believe that you are drawn to collecting things that symbolize parts of yourself.

So what does collecting angels say about you? Continue reading

Posted in Psychology | 1 Comment

Why do I feel drawn to certain symbols?

A lot of us have a favourite symbol. It could be an animal, or an inanimate object or shape that we feel drawn to. Often we may start forming a collection of these.

I believe that whatever you are drawn to, it says something about you. Below are some examples of what the symbol you are drawn to could say about you: Continue reading

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Why do I Blush? and How do I stop blushing

Have you ever asked yourself: “Why do I blush when I’m embarrassed?” or “Why do I blush when I’m angry?”

How does blushing work? Is there a reason for it? And can we control it and stop a blush before it embarrasses us further? Continue reading

Posted in Health, My Body | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

History of the Finger

The Finger, The Highway Salute, The Bird .. whatever you want to call it, giving someone the middle finger is a worldwide gesture aimed to insult. But why would a finger be insulting? Why do people give “the finger”? Continue reading

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Why do we eat Turkey at Christmas?

It’s probably a good idea to work out a bit before December rolls round so that you’ll be able to carry home the biggest turkey in the supermarket home with you.

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a roast turkey; but why do we eat turkey at Christmas? Continue reading

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Why is Christmas on December 25th

Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25th?

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Why Christmas Wreaths?

Why do we put up Christmas wreaths when the festive season comes round?

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Posted in Christianity, Culture, Religion | Tagged | 7 Comments

What does OK stand for?

Have you ever asked yourself: Why do we say OK? What does OK mean?

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Posted in Culture, Etymology | Tagged | 8 Comments

Why do Grooms Wear a Pocket Square at Weddings?

In other words, why do grooms wear a wedding hanky in their breast pocket?
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Posted in Culture, Weddings | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Introducing saywhydoi.com!

Do you remember the phase when you were little and liked to ask questions like:

As we grow older, I believe this inner curious child is still within us, to varying degrees. Although many of us find the answers to a lot of these questions throughout our lives, some of the questions remain unasked and unanswered, until the next time the topic is brought up and we find ourself suddenly wondering: “Say… why do we do that?”

One snowy December day in 2010 I thought to myself: Wouldn’t it be great if there was a website that answered these kind of questions all in one place?

And so the idea for saywhydoi.com was born!

Saywhydoi.com aims to explore and answer a lot of the questions we come across in life, equipping us with more tools to understand the world around us; serving to enrich our lives and empower us as we live with more awareness! :)

Bookmark saywhydoi.com, follow me on twitter and join the facebook fan group to keep up to date with your regular dose of interesting tidbits about why we do the things we do!

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