Are you an introvert? Are you an extrovert? Chances are if you’re asking this question, there’s a higher likelihood that you are an introvert rather than an extrovert, but to find out, you can go an take the Introvert/ Extrovert Test.
Let’s look at what it means to be an introvert or an extrovert:
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Posted in Psychology
Tagged psychology
You might get them before an exam, interview, date, oral presentation or before a debut on stage. Maybe you feel them when you speak to someone cute, or when you’re in line to go on a rollercoaster. Regardless of what triggers them, the fluttery sensation of butterflies in the stomach is a familiar one to most of us.
Have you ever wondered what exactly goes on inside you to give that “butterfly in the stomach” feeling? Continue reading →
Posted in My Body
Tagged my body
Did you ever wonder how a mile came to be our measurement of distance? And why is it called a mile anyway? Continue reading →
Posted in Culture
Tagged Culture
Sexuality spans the physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions of our lives. It starts with how we feel about ourselves and our bodies, and it extends to how we feel about others.
Whether we express it consciously or not, we’re all sexual beings and our sexuality is with us from the day we are born. In most people their initial bud of sexuality grows as they mature. By they time they pass puberty and early adulthood, their sexuality permeates conscious feeling and thought as it approaches full bloom. In some people however, sexual growth is inhibited. Their body may be sexually mature, but the psychological, emotional, social and spiritual dimensions of sexuality remain frozen in time. A common sign of sexual inhibition is fear of sex and sexuality. A related form of sexual inhibition is sexual aversion, where the idea of sex fills people with either fear, disgust, repulsion or simply with indifference and a general lack of desire.
Why do people exhibit sex aversion and sexual inhibition?
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Posted in Psychology
Tagged psychology
You can classify grey hair into two types:
1.) Grey hair that occurs as is expected, with increasing age
2.) Premature grey hair that occurs long before the appropriate age sets in
The causes of grey hair in each of these instances often differ.
This article will examine what causes grey hair in prematurely greying people. You can read about appropriate-age hair greying here. Continue reading →
Posted in Health, My Body
Tagged health, my body
You can classify grey hair into two types:
1.) Grey hair that occurs with increasing age
2.) Premature grey hair that occurs long before the appropriate age sets in. Some say premature greying is considered applicable where over 50% of your hair is grey before the age of 40.
The causes of grey hair in each of these instances often differ.
This article will examine what causes grey hair with increasing age. You can read about premature greying here
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Posted in Health, My Body
If you’re like me and don’t know much about American football or baseball, you may find yourself wondering why these football or baseball players are sometimes shown wearing war-paint-like black lines under their eyes. Is it done to intimidate the opposition or is there another reason for this decoration?
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Posted in Culture
Tagged Culture
England is famous for many things: Double decker red buses, red telephone boxes, soldiers with tall black furry hats and their “bobbies”, (or policemen to the rest of the world!) How did the Bobby policeman get his name?
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Water is crucial for life. Whilst we might live without food for 5 weeks, we cannot survive for more than 5 days without water.1
If you were to break a human body down to its raw constituents you’d find that we’re mostly made of water. About 45-60% of lean body weight is water.2 If you work it out, a 70kg man would contain within his body 42 liters of water! This makes it clear that water plays an important part in our bodies, but what exactly does it do?

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The classic movie, The Sound of Music
made the names of the notes Do Re Mi in the musical scale famous the world over, but have you ever wondered why a note would be called “do”, “re” or “mi”? What are the origins of do re mi , otherwise known as the solfege scale? Continue reading →