Winking isn’t one of those things that comes naturally to us. Ask a young child to wink and you’ll see what I mean. It’s something we have to really learn to do. Why would we train ourselves to shut one eye? Well, perhaps partly for the same reason that some people climb mountains: the eye is just there to play with, and it’s a challenge you can’t resist. But it’s also partly because of the body language meaning the wink has taken on in society which enables us to purposefully communicate certain things in subtle, unsaid ways. What kind of things can winking signal? Continue reading →

We have all heard plenty of times that fiber is good for us because it keeps our bowels regular. But is this all we need fiber for? Are there other benefits of fiber? As it turns out, yes. There are many!
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Posted in Health, Nutrition
Tagged nutrition
Every year, over 20,000 people ask google the question: “do girls poop?”. No matter how many times you hear the urban legend that girls don’t poop because there are “poop pixies that take off their dookie to a far off land”1, and as much as it pains me to break the illusion of girls as delicate, sweet-smelling flowers that would never exude anything as unlady-like as poop, the truth is: Everybody poops. Sorry guys.
Now that’s out the way , we can answer the next question: why do we poop?
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Posted in Health, My Body
Tagged health, my body
Why do we say someone is a “goody two shoes” when they are annoyingly and smugly well-behaved? What is the origin of the phrase goody two shoes? Continue reading →
Posted in Etymology
Tagged etymology
Why do we say someone is “as sick as a dog”? Continue reading →
Posted in Etymology
Tagged etymology
Why do we say: “You’ve got egg on your face” when someone’s done something leaving them looking embarrassed or foolish? What is the “egg on your face” origin? Continue reading →
Posted in Etymology
Tagged etymology
In spite of our best efforts to perfect our poses and our facial expressions when a camera is pointing our way, sometimes photos come back to us with our eyes glowing mysteriously ruby-red. Why do we sometimes get red eyes in photos? Continue reading →
Posted in Health, My Body
Tagged health, my body
The reason why Brits call toilets “loos” is one of the unsolved mysteries of etymology, however this is not for lack of trying! The word has been traced to rise into common usage around the 1920s, and plenty of theories exist surrounding the loo origins. Continue reading →
Why do we use this “£” symbol to denote a British pound? What is the origin of the pound sign? Continue reading →
It’s not immediately intuitive how pounds became abbreviated to lbs. Why do we write lbs as an abbreviation for pounds? Continue reading →