Tag Archives: body language

Hands Behind the Back

It’s one of Prince Charles’ trademark arm position as he’s ambling past waving crowds. Policemen and soldiers often hold this position as they stand or pace, keeping the peace. Teachers too are known to take on this posture whilst walking … Continue reading

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Why do I have high or low social status?

Our society is made up of people who are perceived as high status, and people who are perceived as having lower status. A more popular name for a high status individual is an “alpha male” or “alpha female”. Why do … Continue reading

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Why do I rub my hands together?

Villains in cartoons do it. Salespeople do it. And when we’re feeling cold we do it. Why do we rub our hands together?

Posted in Body Language | Tagged | 9 Comments

History of the Finger

The Finger, The Highway Salute, The Bird .. whatever you want to call it, giving someone the middle finger is a worldwide gesture aimed to insult. But why would a finger be insulting? Why do people give “the finger”? Continue reading

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